About Me

Mary Soane

  • NCT Postnatal Leader
  • Baby Massage Instructor. 

I am passionate about supporting parents in the early days of parenthood.

I am a mother to three children (b. 1998, 2000, 2003).  Only since becoming a parent myself have I appreciated what a life-changing experience this is.  There is no training course or instruction book that can prepare you for the impact of a new little person on your life.  It is a time of great joy, but also can be a challenging time as you get used to your new role.

Over the last 20 years I have supported parents with many of the challenges of parenthood.  

I am an NCT Breastfeeding counsellor since 2003, facilitating NCT Breastfeeding classes and providing postnatal breastfeeding support postnatally, either individually or at local drop-ins.  I also run NCT Early Days courses and Introduction to Solids workshops. 

Working with women in these settings highlighted that many benefit from a lot more support than can be provided at these drop-in sessions.   I trained as a postnatal doula so can provide individual, tailored and longer term support to new parents, in their own homes.

30%* of Parents their Birth as Traumatic, but only about 10% of these get help to cope with this. With this in mind I have extended my parenting support to include Birthing Awareness 3 Step Rewind, a process which helps parents move on from a difficult pregnancy, birth, feeding or early parenting experience.

Training Courses

  • Doula Preparation Course (2017) with Younique Postnatal
  • NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor (Qualified 2003) 
  • NCT Postnatal Practitioner (Qualified 2008)
  • NCT Baby Massage Practitioner (date?)
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid (February 2024)
  • Birthing Awareness 3 Step Rewind (August 2024)

Study Days

  • Running Effective Introducing Solids Workshops (2013)
  • Magic Milestones Baby development (2014)
  • Tongue Tie (2016)
  • Breastfeeding Tricky questions (2017)
  • Infant Sleep Study Day (2018)
  • Breastfeeding Positioning and Attachment update (2023)