Starting solid foods

Babies diet consist of just milk for approximately the first 6 months of life. Moving on to solid food can be both an exciting and a confusing time for new parents. Lots of people seem to have an opinion on when and how you “should” start. It can be difficult to navigate

I have been helping parents with starting solid food since 2010. You can book either an individual session with me, where I will chat with you (& your partner) about how to know if your baby is ready for solid food, what the guidelines say and why they say it, the different approaches to introducing solids and the different foods that babies can eat.

I can also do a group session for you and your friends, either over Zoom or in a venue of your choice.

Starting Solids, individual session £75

Starting Solids, group class £100-120

If you would like further support I can come to your house, help you devise a plan for introducing complementary food to your baby’s diet, help you prepare first foods for your baby and, if you like, be there while your baby eats. Please contact me to discuss this option.